The Toddler Executive – intro

The next 10 posts on Fortified Leadership will walk through an amusing yet surprisingly true look at the similarities between toddlers and executives. This parallel first became clear to me in 2013 when our first son was a toddler. While immersed in the challenges posed by this new and rather imposing figure in our lives, I started to recognize a number of different parallels to another population that I was quite familiar with: the Executive. Since my initial recognition of this parallel, I’ve come to realize that the similarities are most prevalent in times of stress… an environmental condition executives find themselves wrestling with a good portion of the time.

The posts that are to come will provide some real benefits for a plethora of audiences:

1. Those looking to behave more “executively” – Many may expect these insights to be a way of degrading executives. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, I believe the similarities can be a guide for many of us who wonder how executives do what they do as well as they do it. My experience leads me to believe that successful people are those who have either 1) learned how to embrace and harness those characteristics which they intrinsically had as a toddler or 2) have never dropped those toddler behaviors which have ironically driven their success in business. Either way, learning these similarities may give you the insight and know-how for how to perform at the highest level in business – how will you harness your inner toddler?

2. Those looking for a good laugh – The sheer irony of the parallels are enough to draw out laughter from anyone who has had exposure to either a toddler or an executive at any point in their lives (which is basically everyone). Of course, those who have had exposure to both might find the thoughts less funny and more frightening….

3. Those needing a crash course in handling an executive – Does a current or future role place you in close contact with an executive? This may be uncharted territory however if you have any experience with toddlers, you may be more equipped for the challenge than you realize.

4. Those needing a crash course in handling a toddler – See point 3 and swap the words.